型号: HDSP-5623-0I400
元件分类: 显示用LED
英文描述: SIGN DISPLAY, GREEN, 14.22 mm
封装: 0.560 INCH, PLASTIC, DIP-18
文件页数: 4/11页
文件大小: 310K
代理商: HDSP-5623-0I400
Contrast Enhancement
The objective of contrast enhancement is to provide good
display readability in the end use ambient light. The con-
cept is to employ both luminance and chrominance con-
trast techniques to enhance the readability. This is accom-
plished by having the OFF dots blend into the display
background and the ON dots stand out vividly against this
same background. Therefore, these display devices are as-
sembled with a gray package and matching encapsulat-
ing epoxy in the dots.
Contrast enhancement may be achieved by using one of
the following suggested lters:
Standard Red and AlGaAs Red (HDSP-5300/H150)
Panelgraphic RUBY RED 60
SGL-Homalite H100-1605 RED
3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY
HER (HDSP-5500)
Panelgraphic SCARLET RED 60
SGL-Homalite H100-1670 RED or H100-1250 GRAY
3M Louvered Filter R6610 RED or N0210 GRAY
Yellow (HDSP-5700)
Panelgraphic YELLOW 27 or GRAY 10
SGL-Homalite H100-1720 AMBER or H100-1250 GRAY
3M Louvered Filter A5910 AMBER or N0210 GRAY
Green (HDSP-5600)
Panelgraphic GREEN 48
SGL-Homalite H100-1440 GREEN or H100-1250 GRAY
3M Louvered Filter YG6610 RED or N0210 GRAY
For further information on contrast enhancement please
see Application Note 1015.
Specially developed plastics are used to optimize the
displays optical performance. These plastics restrict the
solvents that may be used for cleaning. Only mixtures of
Freon (F113) and alcohol should be used for vapor clean-
ing processes. Total immersion time in the vapors is two
minutes. Some suggested mixtures are Freon TE, Arklone
A or K, or Genesolv DI-15 or DE-15. A 60°C (140°F) water
cleaning process may also be used. This process includes
a neutralizer rinse (3% ammonia solution or equivalent),
a surfactant rinse (1% detergent solution or equivalent),
a water rinse, and a thorough air dry. Room temperature
cleaning may be done with Freon T-E35 or T-P35, Ethanol,
Isopropanol, or water with a mild detergent.
Cleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl
ethyl ketone, etc.) and from the chlorinated hydrocarbon
family (methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tet-
rachloride, etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED
parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the
encapsulating epoxies used to form the package of plastic
LED parts.
HDSP-5623-EF200 SIGN DISPLAY, GREEN, 14.22 mm
HDSP-5623-EF400 SIGN DISPLAY, GREEN, 14.22 mm
HDSP-5623-FF400 SIGN DISPLAY, GREEN, 14.22 mm
HDSP-5623-GH000 功能描述:LED 显示器和配件 Green 571nm 0.56in 7 Segment RoHS:否 制造商:Avago Technologies 显示器类型:7 Segment 数位数量:2 字符大小:7.8 mm x 14.22 mm 照明颜色:Red 波长:628 nm 共用管脚:Common Anode 工作电压:2.05 V 工作电流:20 mA 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 最小工作温度:- 35 C 封装:Tube
HDSP-563A 功能描述:LED 显示器和配件 Red 643nm 0.56in 7 Segment RoHS:否 制造商:Avago Technologies 显示器类型:7 Segment 数位数量:2 字符大小:7.8 mm x 14.22 mm 照明颜色:Red 波长:628 nm 共用管脚:Common Anode 工作电压:2.05 V 工作电流:20 mA 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 最小工作温度:- 35 C 封装:Tube
HDSP563C 制造商:Avago Technologies 功能描述:Displays Module 1DIGIT 8LED Red CC 10-Pin DIP Tube
HDSP-563C 功能描述:LED 显示器和配件 Red 643nm 0.56in 7 Segment RoHS:否 制造商:Avago Technologies 显示器类型:7 Segment 数位数量:2 字符大小:7.8 mm x 14.22 mm 照明颜色:Red 波长:628 nm 共用管脚:Common Anode 工作电压:2.05 V 工作电流:20 mA 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 最小工作温度:- 35 C 封装:Tube
HDSP-563E 功能描述:LED 显示器和配件 Red 625nm 0.56in 7 Segment RoHS:否 制造商:Avago Technologies 显示器类型:7 Segment 数位数量:2 字符大小:7.8 mm x 14.22 mm 照明颜色:Red 波长:628 nm 共用管脚:Common Anode 工作电压:2.05 V 工作电流:20 mA 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 最小工作温度:- 35 C 封装:Tube