
The TPA31xxD2 series are stereo effICient, digital amplifier power stage for driving speakers up to 100W/2Ω in mono. The high efficiency of the TPA3130D2 allows it to do 2x15W without external heat sink on a single layer PCB. The TPA3118D2 can even run 2x30W/8Ω without heat sink on a dual layer PCB. If even higher power is needed the TPA3116D2 does 2x50W/4Ω with a small heat-sink attached to its top side PowerPad. All three devices share the same footprint enabling a single PCB to be used across different power levels.

The TPA31xxD2 advanced oscillator/PLL circuit employs a multiple switching frequency option to avoid AM interferences; this is achieved together with an option of Master/Slave option, making it possible to synchronize multiple devices.

The TPA31xxD2 devices are fully protected against faults with short-circuit protection and thermal protection as well as over-voltage, under-voltage and DC protection. Faults are reported back to the processor to prevent devices from being damaged during overload conditions.



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