型号: ADC0851
厂商: National Semiconductor Corporation
英文描述: 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
中文描述: 8位模拟数据采集和监控系统
文件页数: 27/36页
文件大小: 581K
代理商: ADC0851
4.0 A/D Conversion Modes
The 12-bit channel address following the mode address as-
signs the MUX configuration as per Table III(a) and (b) for
ADC0851 only decodes the three LSBs (C0, C1 and C2) of
the channel address.
The timing diagram for ‘‘Auto A/D Conversion’’ mode is
shown inFigure 11. The input word is loaded starting at the
first rising edge of the CLK after CS goes low. The first four
bits configure the device for the ‘‘Auto A/D Conversion’’
mode while the 12-bit channel address assigns the configu-
ration of each channel pair. If CS remains low after C0 is
loaded then any subsequent input data is ignored. Taking
CS high after the input word is loaded initiates the start of
A/D conversion. A/D conversion starts one to two OSC
clock periods after CS goes high. The EOC output goes low
to signal the start of an A/D conversion. The conversion
time may range from 17
s to 74
s depending on how
the channel pairs are configured. The EOC output goes high
at the end of conversion thus signalling that the result of the
A/D conversion can now be retrieved. The output data will
be transmitted only if CS goes low and is transmitted start-
ing at the first rising edge of CLK signal after CS goes low.
The format for the output word is as follows:
Data Output (DO)DADC0851 or ADC0858
ADC0851BIN 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851BIV 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851CIN 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851CIV 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0858CIN 8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851 WAF 制造商:Texas Instruments 功能描述:
ADC0851BIJ 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:Single-Ended Data Acquisition System
ADC0851BIN 制造商:NSC 制造商全称:National Semiconductor 功能描述:8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851BIV 制造商:NSC 制造商全称:National Semiconductor 功能描述:8-Bit Analog Data Acquisition and Monitoring Systems
ADC0851CIJ 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:Single-Ended Data Acquisition System