型号: BU-62743B3-112Y
元件分类: 微控制器/微处理器
英文描述: 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
封装: 0.815 X 0.815 INCH, 0.140 INCH HEIGHT, 1 MM PITCH, BGA-128
文件页数: 52/93页
文件大小: 504K
代理商: BU-62743B3-112Y
Data Device Corporation
is a time tag rollover interrupt, which is issued when the value of the time tag rolls
over from FFFF(hex) to 0. Other time tag options include the capabilities to clear
the time tag register following receipt of a Synchronize (without data) mode
command and/or to set the time tag following receipt of a Synchronize (with data)
mode command. For that latter, there is an added option to filter the “set” capability
based on the LSB of the received data word being equal to logic “0”.
The PCI Enhanced Mini-ACE offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of RT
interrupt processing. By means of the PCI Enhanced Mini-ACE’s two Interrupt
Mask Registers, the RT may be programmed to issue interrupt requests for the
following events/conditions: End-of-(every)Message, Message Error, Selected
(transmit or receive) Subaddress, 100% Circular Buffer Rollover, 50% Circular
Buffer Rollover, 100% Descriptor Stack Rollover, 50% Descriptor Stack Rollover,
Selected Mode Code, Transmitter Timeout, Illegal Command, and Interrupt
Status Queue Rollover.
Interrupts for 50% Rollovers of Stacks, Circular Buffers. The PCI Enhanced
Mini-ACE RT and Monitor are capable of issuing host interrupts when a
subaddress circular buffer pointer or stack pointer crosses its mid-point boundary.
For RT circular buffers, this is applicable for both transmit and receive
subaddresses. Reference Figure 9. There are four interrupt mask and interrupt
status register bits associated with the 50% rollover function:
(1) RT circular buffer;
(2) RT command (descriptor) stack;
(3) Monitor command (descriptor) stack; and
(4) Monitor data stack.
The 50% rollover interrupt is beneficial for performing bulk data transfers. For
example, when using circular buffering for a particular receive subaddress, the
50% rollover interrupt will inform the host processor when the circular buffer is half
full. At that time, the host may proceed to read the received data words in the
upper half of the buffer, while the PCI Enhanced Mini-ACE RT writes received data
words to the lower half of the circular buffer. Later, when the RT issues a 100%
circular buffer rollover interrupt, the host can proceed to read the received data
from the lower half of the buffer, while the PCI Enhanced Mini-ACE RT continues
to write received data words to the upper half of the buffer.
BU-62743B3-160S 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
BU-62743B4-110Q 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
BU-62743B4-120 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
BU-62743B4-150Y 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
BU-62743B4-150Z 2 CHANNEL(S), 1M bps, MIL-STD-1553 CONTROLLER, BGA128
BU-62843 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:MIL-STD-1553 Components |PCI-Enhanced Mini-ACE?
BU-62864 制造商:未知厂家 制造商全称:未知厂家 功能描述:MIL-STD-1553 Components |PCI-Enhanced Mini-ACE?
BU-62-9 功能描述:测试电夹 INSULATOR FOR 60 SERIES WHITE RoHS:否 制造商:Pomona Electronics 类型:Minigrabber clip 颜色:Black
BU-62-BLU 制造商:Mueller Electric Company 功能描述:Cable Accessories Insulator Vinyl Blue
BU-62S-0 功能描述:INSULATOR FOR BU-60 SERIES BLK 制造商:mueller electric co 系列:BU 零件状态:有效 类型:测试夹,引线,探针 配件类型:绝缘体,黑色 配套使用产品/相关产品:鳄鱼夹:BU-60,BU-60C,BU-60CS,BU-60PR2,BU-60S,BU-60TBO,BU-60U,BU-60X,BU-61 规格:- 标准包装:1