型号: CN1J4T103J
厂商: Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
英文描述: Manufactured to type RM Standards
中文描述: 对制造型室标准
文件页数: 2/4页
文件大小: 465K
代理商: CN1J4T103J
CN2A2 Manufactured to type RM Standards
CNAJ4 Manufactured to type RM Standards
CN1J8 Manufactured to type RM Standards
CN2A8 Manufactured to type RM Standards
CN2B8 Manufactured to type RM Standards
CN1J4T104J 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:100K ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:100K ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb - free partial T/R at 500.
CN1J4T105J 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:1.00M ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:1.00M ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb - free partial T/R at 500.
CN1J4T110J 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:11 ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:11 ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb - free partial T/R at 500.
CN1J4T111J 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:110 ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb - free partial T/R at 500.
CN1J4T114J 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:110K ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb 制造商:KOA Speer Electronics Inc 功能描述:110K ohm 200ppm SMD (Surface Mount) Resistor Array 4x0603 1/16W 5% ISOL CONCAVE W/SQ CORNERS SnPb - free partial T/R at 500.