型号: LFXP20C-5FN256C
厂商: Lattice Semiconductor Corporation
文件页数: 260/397页
文件大小: 0K
描述: IC FPGA 19.7KLUTS 188I/O 256-BGA
标准包装: 90
系列: XP
逻辑元件/单元数: 20000
RAM 位总计: 405504
输入/输出数: 188
电源电压: 1.71 V ~ 3.465 V
安装类型: 表面贴装
工作温度: 0°C ~ 85°C
封装/外壳: 256-BGA
供应商设备封装: 256-FPBGA(17x17)
HDL Synthesis Coding Guidelines
Lattice Semiconductor
for Lattice Semiconductor FPGAs
Coding Styles for FSM
A finite state machine (FSM) is a hardware component that advances from the current state to the next state at the
clock edge. As mentioned in the Encoding Methodologies for State Machines section, the preferable scheme for
FPGA architectures is one-hot encoding. This section discusses some common issues encountered when con-
structing state machines, such as initialization and state coverage, and special case statements in Verilog.
General State Machine Description
Generally, there are two approaches to describe a state machine. One is to use one process/block to handle both
state transitions and state outputs. The other is to separate the state transition and the state outputs into two differ-
ent process/blocks. The latter approach is more straightforward because it separates the synchronous state regis-
ters from the decoding logic used in the computation of the next state and the outputs. This will make the code
easier to read and modify, and makes the documentation more efficient. If the outputs of the state machine are
combinatorial signals, the second approach is almost always necessary because it will prevent the accidental reg-
istering of the state machine outputs.
The following examples describe a simple state machine in VHDL and Verilog. In the VHDL example, a sequential
process is separated from the combinatorial process. In Verilog code, two always blocks are used to describe the
state machine in a similar way.
VHDL Example for State Machine
. . .
architecture lattice_fpga of dram_refresh is
type state_typ is (s0, s1, s2, s3, s4);
signal present_state, next_state : state_typ;
-- process to update the present state
registers: process (clk, reset)
if (reset='1') then
present_state <= s0;
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
present_state <= next_state;
end if;
end process registers;
-- process to calculate the next state & output
transitions: process (present_state, refresh, cs)
ras <= '0'; cas <= '0'; ready <= '0';
case present_state is
when s0 =>
ras <= '1'; cas <= '1'; ready <= '1';
if (refresh = '1') then next_state <= s3;
elsif (cs = '1') then next_state <= s1;
else next_state <= s0;
end if;
when s1 =>
ras <= '0'; cas <= '1'; ready <= '0';
next_state <= s2;
when s2 =>
ras <= '0'; cas <= '0'; ready <= '0';
if (cs = '0') then next_state <= s0;
else next_state <= s2;
end if;
when s3 =>
ras <= '1'; cas <= '0'; ready <= '0';
next_state <= s4;
when s4 =>
ras <= '0'; cas <= '0'; ready <= '0';
next_state <= s0;
when others =>
ras <= '0'; cas <= '0'; ready <= '0';
next_state <= s0;
end case;
end process transitions;
. . .
Verilog Example for State Machine
. . .
parameter s0 = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 2, s3 = 3, s4 = 4;
reg [2:0] present_state, next_state;
reg ras, cas, ready;
// always block to update the present state
always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
if (reset) present_state = s0;
else present_state = next_state;
// always block to calculate the next state & outputs
always @ (present_state or refresh or cs)
next_state = s0;
ras = 1'bX; cas = 1'bX; ready = 1'bX;
case (present_state)
s0 : if (refresh) begin
next_state = s3;
ras = 1'b1; cas = 1'b0; ready = 1'b0;
else if (cs) begin
next_state = s1; ras = 1'b0; cas = 1'b1; ready = 1'b0;
else begin
next_state = s0; ras = 1'b1; cas = 1'b1; ready = 1'b1;
s1 : begin
next_state = s2; ras = 1'b0; cas = 1'b0; ready = 1'b0;
s2 : if (~cs) begin
next_state = s0; ras = 1'b1; cas = 1'b1; ready = 1'b1;
else begin
next_state = s2; ras = 1'b0; cas = 1'b0; ready = 1'b0;
s3 : begin
next_state = s4; ras = 1'b1; cas = 1'b0; ready = 1'b0;
s4 : begin
next_state = s0; ras = 1'b0; cas = 1'b0; ready = 1'b0;
. . .
LFXP20C-5F256C IC FPGA 19.7KLUTS 188I/O 256-BGA
LFXP20C-4FN256I IC FPGA 19.7KLUTS 188I/O 256-BGA
LFXP20C-4F256I IC FPGA 19.7KLUTS 188I/O 256-BGA
LFXP20C-5FN388C 功能描述:FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 19.7K LUTs 268 IO 1. 8/2.5/3.3V -5 Spd RoHS:否 制造商:Altera Corporation 系列:Cyclone V E 栅极数量: 逻辑块数量:943 内嵌式块RAM - EBR:1956 kbit 输入/输出端数量:128 最大工作频率:800 MHz 工作电源电压:1.1 V 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:FBGA-256
LFXP20C-5FN484C 功能描述:FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 19.7K LUTs 340 IO 1. 8/2.5/3.3V -5 Spd RoHS:否 制造商:Altera Corporation 系列:Cyclone V E 栅极数量: 逻辑块数量:943 内嵌式块RAM - EBR:1956 kbit 输入/输出端数量:128 最大工作频率:800 MHz 工作电源电压:1.1 V 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:FBGA-256
LFXP20E-3F256C 功能描述:FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 19.7K LUTs 188 IO 1. 2V -3 Spd RoHS:否 制造商:Altera Corporation 系列:Cyclone V E 栅极数量: 逻辑块数量:943 内嵌式块RAM - EBR:1956 kbit 输入/输出端数量:128 最大工作频率:800 MHz 工作电源电压:1.1 V 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:FBGA-256
LFXP20E-3F256I 功能描述:FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 19.7K LUTs 188 IO 1. 2V -3 Spd I RoHS:否 制造商:Altera Corporation 系列:Cyclone V E 栅极数量: 逻辑块数量:943 内嵌式块RAM - EBR:1956 kbit 输入/输出端数量:128 最大工作频率:800 MHz 工作电源电压:1.1 V 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:FBGA-256
LFXP20E-3F388C 功能描述:FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 19.7K LUTs 268 IO 1. 2V -3 Spd RoHS:否 制造商:Altera Corporation 系列:Cyclone V E 栅极数量: 逻辑块数量:943 内嵌式块RAM - EBR:1956 kbit 输入/输出端数量:128 最大工作频率:800 MHz 工作电源电压:1.1 V 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:FBGA-256