型号: MAX5039EUA+
厂商: Maxim Integrated Products
文件页数: 7/21页
文件大小: 0K
产品培训模块: Lead (SnPb) Finish for COTS
Obsolescence Mitigation Program
标准包装: 50
应用: 处理器
电流 - 电源: 1.3mA
电源电压: 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V
工作温度: -40°C ~ 85°C
安装类型: 表面贴装
封装/外壳: 8-TSSOP,8-MSOP(0.118",3.00mm 宽)
供应商设备封装: 8-uMAX
包装: 管件
Voltage-Tracking Controllers for
PowerPC, DSPs, and ASICs
Performance During
Typical Operation
Scope shots are of the MAX5040 EV kit. Figures 1
through 8 demonstrate system performance of the
MAX5040 under various power-up, power-down, and
fault conditions. In some cases (described in detail
below), startup or shutdown of the I/O and CORE sup-
plies were purposely delayed with respect to each
other to simulate possible system operating conditions.
In Figure 1 (with MAX5040), V CC ramps up slowly and
the I/O supply comes up before the CORE supply. As
soon as V CC rises above 2.5V (at about 7.5ms) NDRV
goes to V CC shorting the I/O and CORE supplies togeth-
er. When V CC rises above 4.5V (bringing V UVLO above
V UVCC ), SDO goes high enabling the I/O and CORE
supplies. Although the CORE PWM supply turns on 5ms
after the I/O PWM supply, both supply voltages come up
together because NDRV is held at V CC , shorting the sup-
plies together through the N-channel FET. The I/O supply
supports both the I/O line and the CORE line. Once
V CORE rises close to its set point, NDRV falls to around
2.8V to regulate V CORE at its set point. At around 22ms,
the CORE supply comes up, NDRV goes to GND, and
POK goes high. On power-down, when V CC drops low
enough to bring V UVLO below V UVCC , SDO immediately
falls, turning the I/O and CORE supplies off. Simultane-
ously, POK falls, indicating power-down to the proces-
sor. When the I/O voltage drops below the CORE
voltage, NDRV goes to V CC (at around 36ms), shorting
the supplies together. NDRV remains at V CC until V CC
falls below 2.5V and then it returns to GND.
In Figure 2 (without MAX5040), V CC ramps up slowly
and the CORE and I/O supplies are turned on when
V CC exceeds 2.5V. The I/O voltage comes up before
the CORE voltage. There is a 3.3V difference between
the I/O and CORE supplies for about 4ms before the
CORE supply finally comes up. When V CC powers
down, I/O remains high for about 10ms after CORE
reaches GND.
In Figure 3 (with MAX5040), V CC ramps up slowly and
the CORE supply comes up before the I/O supply. As
soon as V CC rises above 2.5V (at about 7.5ms), NDRV
goes to V CC , shorting the I/O and CORE supplies togeth-
er. When V CC rises above 4.5V (bringing V UVLO above
V UVCC ), SDO goes high, enabling the I/O and CORE
supplies. Although the I/O PWM supply turns on 8ms
after the CORE PWM supply, both supply voltages come
up together because NDRV is held at V CC , shorting the
supplies together through the N-channel FET. The CORE
supply supports both the CORE line and the I/O line until
the I/O supply comes up. At around 23ms, the I/O supply
turns on, pulling the I/O voltage above the CORE volt-
age. At this point, the MAX5040 brings NDRV to GND
and POK goes high. On power-down, when V CC drops
low enough to bring V UVLO below V UVCC , SDO immedi-
ately falls, turning the I/O and CORE supplies off.
Simultaneously POK falls, indicating power-down to the
processor. When the CORE voltage drops below its reg-
ulation point, NDRV begins to regulate it (at around
30ms). When I/O falls below CORE, NDRV is pulled up to
V CC to short the two supplies together.
In Figure 4 (without MAX5040), V CC ramps up slowly
and the CORE voltage comes up before the I/O volt-
age. It takes about 8ms before the I/O supply finally
comes up above the CORE supply. When V CC powers
down, the supplies do not turn off together. CORE
remains high for around 14ms after I/O falls.
In Figure 5 (with MAX5040), the system power-up is
attempted with the CORE supply held in shutdown. As
soon as V CC rises above 2.5V, NDRV goes to V CC ,
shorting the I/O and CORE supplies together. Next,
when V CC rises above 4.5V (bringing V UVLO above
V UVCC ), SDO goes high, enabling the I/O and CORE
supplies. Both supplies come up together because
NDRV is high. Note that the CORE supply is still off;
CORE is held up through the N-channel FET shunt.
Once V CORE rises close to its set point, the linear regu-
lator holds V CORE to its set point by regulating NDRV to
around 2.8V. After 15ms of regulating CORE, the
MAX5040 latches a fault. SDO goes low, NDRV goes to
V CC , and both supplies power down together. POK
remains low throughout because a valid operating state
was not achieved.
In Figure 6 (with MAX5040), V CC is set to 5V. Toggling
UVLO from low to high controls system startup. While
UVLO is low and the V CC is 5V, NDRV is high, causing
the supplies to be shorted together. When UVLO goes
high, SDO also goes high, turning on the CORE and I/O
supplies (at around 3ms). In this example, the I/O sup-
ply comes up before the CORE supply. The MAX5040
regulates CORE by driving NDRV to about 2.8V until the
CORE supply comes up (at around 7ms), then NDRV
falls to GND and POK goes high. When UVLO is driven
low, SDO goes low, disabling the CORE and I/O sup-
plies. NDRV goes to V CC and both supplies power
down together.
In Figure 7 (with MAX5040), V CC is set to 5V. Toggling
UVLO from low to high controls system startup. While
UVLO is low and the V CC is 5V, NDRV is high, shorting
the supplies together while they are both off. When
UVLO does go high, SDO also goes high, turning on
the CORE and I/O supplies (at around 8ms). In this
example, the CORE supply comes up before the I/O
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MAX5039EUA+ 功能描述:其他电源管理 V-Track Ctlr for PowerPC DSPs & ASICs RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 输出电压范围: 输出电流:4 mA 输入电压范围:3 V to 3.6 V 输入电流: 功率耗散: 工作温度范围:- 40 C to + 110 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:VQFN-48 封装:Reel
MAX5039EUA+T 功能描述:其他电源管理 V-Track Ctlr for PowerPC DSPs & ASICs RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 输出电压范围: 输出电流:4 mA 输入电压范围:3 V to 3.6 V 输入电流: 功率耗散: 工作温度范围:- 40 C to + 110 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:VQFN-48 封装:Reel
MAX5039EUA-T 功能描述:其他电源管理 V-Track Ctlr for PowerPC DSPs & ASICs RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 输出电压范围: 输出电流:4 mA 输入电压范围:3 V to 3.6 V 输入电流: 功率耗散: 工作温度范围:- 40 C to + 110 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:VQFN-48 封装:Reel
MAX503CAG 功能描述:数模转换器- DAC RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 转换器数量:1 DAC 输出端数量:1 转换速率:2 MSPs 分辨率:16 bit 接口类型:QSPI, SPI, Serial (3-Wire, Microwire) 稳定时间:1 us 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:SOIC-14 封装:Tube
MAX503CAG+ 功能描述:数模转换器- DAC 10-Bit Precision DAC RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 转换器数量:1 DAC 输出端数量:1 转换速率:2 MSPs 分辨率:16 bit 接口类型:QSPI, SPI, Serial (3-Wire, Microwire) 稳定时间:1 us 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 安装风格:SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体:SOIC-14 封装:Tube