型号: PSD834290JT
厂商: 意法半导体
英文描述: Flash In-System Programmable ISP Peripherals For 8-bit MCUs
中文描述: Flash在系统可编程ISP的外设的8位微控制器
文件页数: 38/110页
文件大小: 1737K
代理商: PSD834290JT
PSD813F2, PSD833F2, PSD834F2, PSD853F2, PSD854F2
Product Term Allocator
The CPLD has a Product Term Allocator. The PS-
Dabel compiler uses the Product Term Allocator to
borrow and place product terms from one macro-
cell to another. The following list summarizes how
product terms are allocated:
McellAB0-McellAB7 all have three native
product terms and may borrow up to six more
McellBC0-McellBC3 all have four native
product terms and may borrow up to five more
McellBC4-McellBC7 all have four native
product terms and may borrow up to six more.
Each macrocell may only borrow product terms
from certain other macrocells. Product terms al-
ready in use by one macrocell are not available for
another macrocell.
If an equation requires more product terms than
are available to it, then “external” product terms
are required, which consume other Output Macro-
cells (OMC). If external product terms are used,
extra delay is added for the equation that required
the extra product terms.
This is called product term expansion. PSDsoft
Express performs this expansion as needed.
Loading and Reading the Output Macrocells
The Output Macrocells (OMC) block occupies a
memory location in the MCU address space, as
defined by the CSIOP block (see the section enti-
I/O PORTS, page 51
). The flip-flops in each of
the 16 Output Macrocells (OMC) can be loaded
from the data bus by a MCU. Loading the Output
Macrocells (OMC) with data from the MCU takes
priority over internal functions. As such, the preset,
clear, and clock inputs to the flip-flop can be over-
ridden by the MCU. The ability to load the flip-flops
and read them back is useful in such applications
as loadable counters and shift registers, mailbox-
es, and handshaking protocols.
Data can be loaded to the Output Macrocells
(OMC) on the trailing edge of Write Strobe (WR,
CNTL0) (edge loading) or during the time that
Write Strobe (WR, CNTL0) is active (level load-
ing). The method of loading is specified in PSDsoft
Express Configuration.
The OMC Mask Register
There is one Mask Register for each of the two
groups of eight Output Macrocells (OMC). The
Mask Registers can be used to block the loading
of data to individual Output Macrocells (OMC).
The default value for the Mask Registers is 00h,
which allows loading of the Output Macrocells
(OMC). When a given bit in a Mask Register is set
to a 1, the MCU is blocked from writing to the as-
sociated Output Macrocells (OMC). For example,
suppose McellAB0-McellAB3 are being used for a
state machine. You would not want a MCU write to
McellAB to overwrite the state machine registers.
Therefore, you would want to load the Mask Reg-
ister for McellAB (Mask Macrocell AB) with the val-
ue 0Fh.
The Output Enable of the OMC
The Output Macrocells (OMC) block can be con-
nected to an I/O port pin as a PLD output. The out-
put enable of each port pin driver is controlled by
a single product term from the AND Array, ORed
with the Direction Register output. The pin is en-
abled upon Power-up if no output enable equation
is defined and if the pin is declared as a PLD out-
put in PSDsoft Express.
If the Output Macrocell (OMC) output is declared
as an internal node and not as a port pin output in
the PSDabel file, the port pin can be used for other
I/O functions. The internal node feedback can be
routed as an input to the AND Array.
PSD834290MIT Flash In-System Programmable ISP Peripherals For 8-bit MCUs
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PSD8342V15JT Flash In-System Programmable ISP Peripherals For 8-bit MCUs
PSD8342V15MT Flash In-System Programmable ISP Peripherals For 8-bit MCUs
PSD8342V20JT Flash In-System Programmable ISP Peripherals For 8-bit MCUs
PSD834F2-15M 制造商:STMicroelectronics 功能描述:Flash In-System Programmable Peripherals 52-Pin PQFP
PSD834F2-70J 功能描述:CPLD - 复杂可编程逻辑器件 5.0V 2M 70ns RoHS:否 制造商:Lattice 系列: 存储类型:EEPROM 大电池数量:128 最大工作频率:333 MHz 延迟时间:2.7 ns 可编程输入/输出端数量:64 工作电源电压:3.3 V 最大工作温度:+ 90 C 最小工作温度:0 C 封装 / 箱体:TQFP-100
PSD834F2-70M 功能描述:SPLD - 简单可编程逻辑器件 5.0V 2M 70ns RoHS:否 制造商:Texas Instruments 逻辑系列:TICPAL22V10Z 大电池数量:10 最大工作频率:66 MHz 延迟时间:25 ns 工作电源电压:4.75 V to 5.25 V 电源电流:100 uA 最大工作温度:+ 75 C 最小工作温度:0 C 安装风格:Through Hole 封装 / 箱体:DIP-24
PSD834F2-90J 功能描述:CPLD - 复杂可编程逻辑器件 5.0V 2M 90ns RoHS:否 制造商:Lattice 系列: 存储类型:EEPROM 大电池数量:128 最大工作频率:333 MHz 延迟时间:2.7 ns 可编程输入/输出端数量:64 工作电源电压:3.3 V 最大工作温度:+ 90 C 最小工作温度:0 C 封装 / 箱体:TQFP-100
PSD834F2-90JI 功能描述:CPLD - 复杂可编程逻辑器件 5.0V 2M 90ns RoHS:否 制造商:Lattice 系列: 存储类型:EEPROM 大电池数量:128 最大工作频率:333 MHz 延迟时间:2.7 ns 可编程输入/输出端数量:64 工作电源电压:3.3 V 最大工作温度:+ 90 C 最小工作温度:0 C 封装 / 箱体:TQFP-100