Chapter 19 Pulse-Width Modulator (S12PWM8B8CV1)
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and partnumbers
indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010
There are three control bits for concatenation, each of which is used to concatenate a pair of PWM
channels into one 16-bit channel. When channels 6 and 7are concatenated, channel 6 registers become the
high order bytes of the double byte channel. When channels 4 and 5 are concatenated, channel 4 registers
become the high order bytes of the double byte channel. When channels 2 and 3 are concatenated, channel
2 registers become the high order bytes of the double byte channel. When channels 0 and 1 are
concatenated, channel 0 registers become the high order bytes of the double byte channel.
Change these bits only when both corresponding channels are disabled.
Concatenate Channels 6 and 7
0 Channels 6 and 7 are separate 8-bit PWMs.
1 Channels 6 and 7 are concatenated to create one 16-bit PWM channel. Channel 6 becomes the high order
byte and channel 7 becomes the low order byte. Channel 7 output pin is used as the output for this 16-bit
PWM (bit 7 of port PWMP). Channel 7 clock select control-bit determines the clock source, channel 7 polarity
bit determines the polarity, channel 7 enable bit enables the output and channel 7 center aligned enable bit
determines the output mode.
Concatenate Channels 4 and 5
0 Channels 4 and 5 are separate 8-bit PWMs.
1 Channels 4 and 5 are concatenated to create one 16-bit PWM channel. Channel 4 becomes the high order
byte and channel 5 becomes the low order byte. Channel 5 output pin is used as the output for this 16-bit
PWM (bit 5 of port PWMP). Channel 5 clock select control-bit determines the clock source, channel 5 polarity
bit determines the polarity, channel 5 enable bit enables the output and channel 5 center aligned enable bit
determines the output mode.
Concatenate Channels 2 and 3
0 Channels 2 and 3 are separate 8-bit PWMs.
1 Channels 2 and 3 are concatenated to create one 16-bit PWM channel. Channel 2 becomes the high order
byte and channel 3 becomes the low order byte. Channel 3 output pin is used as the output for this 16-bit
PWM (bit 3 of port PWMP). Channel 3 clock select control-bit determines the clock source, channel 3 polarity
bit determines the polarity, channel 3 enable bit enables the output and channel 3 center aligned enable bit
determines the output mode.
Concatenate Channels 0 and 1
0 Channels 0 and 1 are separate 8-bit PWMs.
1 Channels 0 and 1 are concatenated to create one 16-bit PWM channel. Channel 0 becomes the high order
byte and channel 1 becomes the low order byte. Channel 1 output pin is used as the output for this 16-bit
PWM (bit 1 of port PWMP). Channel 1 clock select control-bit determines the clock source, channel 1 polarity
bit determines the polarity, channel 1 enable bit enables the output and channel 1 center aligned enable bit
determines the output mode.