型号: TMX320R2811PBKA
厂商: Texas Instruments, Inc.
元件分类: 数字信号处理
英文描述: TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
中文描述: TMS320R2811,TMS320R2812数字信号处理器
文件页数: 115/147页
文件大小: 2021K
代理商: TMX320R2811PBKA
Electrical Specifications
June 2004
For the case where XCLKOUT = one-half XTIMCLK, the XCLKOUT edge with which the change will be aligned
can be determined based on the number of XTIMCLK cycles from the start of the access to the point at which
the signal changes. If this number of XTIMCLK cycles is even, the alignment will be with respect to the rising
edge of XCLKOUT. If this number is odd, then the signal will change with respect to the falling edge of
XCLKOUT. Examples include the following:
Strobes that change at the beginning of an access always align to the rising edge of XCLKOUT. This is
because all XINTF accesses begin with respect to the rising edge of XCLKOUT.
Zone chip-select active low
XR/W active low
Strobes that change at the beginning of the active period will align to the rising edge of XCLKOUT if the
total number of lead XTIMCLK cycles for the access is even. If the number of lead XTIMCLK cycles is odd,
then the alignment will be with respect to the falling edge of XCLKOUT.
XRD active low
XWE active low
Strobes that change at the beginning of the trail period will align to the rising edge of XCLKOUT if the total
number of lead + active XTIMCLK cycles (including hardware waitstates) for the access is even. If the
number of lead + active XTIMCLK cycles (including hardware waitstates) is odd, then the alignment will
be with respect to the falling edge of XCLKOUT.
XRD inactive high
XWE inactive high
Strobes that change at the end of the access will align to the rising edge of XCLKOUT if the total number
of lead + active + trail XTIMCLK cycles (including hardware waitstates) is even. If the number of lead +
active + trail XTIMCLK cycles (including hardware waitstates) is odd, then the alignment will be with
respect to the falling edge of XCLKOUT.
Zone chip-select inactive high
XR/W inactive high
TMR320C2812PGFA TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMR320F2811PBKA TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMR320F2811PGFA TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMR320F2811ZHHS TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMR320F2812PBKA TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMX320R2811PBKQ 制造商:TI 制造商全称:Texas Instruments 功能描述:TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMX320R2811PBKS 制造商:TI 制造商全称:Texas Instruments 功能描述:TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMX320R2811PGFA 制造商:TI 制造商全称:Texas Instruments 功能描述:TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMX320R2811PGFQ 制造商:TI 制造商全称:Texas Instruments 功能描述:TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors
TMX320R2811PGFS 制造商:TI 制造商全称:Texas Instruments 功能描述:TMS320R2811, TMS320R2812 Digital Signal Processors