型号: M68ADP912DG128PV
厂商: Motorola, Inc.
英文描述: The MC68HC912DT128A microcontroller unit (MCU) is a 16-bit device composed of standard on-chip peripherals including a 16-bit central processing unit
中文描述: 该MC68HC912DT128A微控制器单元(MCU)是一个16位设备的标准组成的片上外设包括一个16位中央处理单元
文件页数: 298/478页
文件大小: 2453K
代理商: M68ADP912DG128PV
Multiple Serial Interface
Technical Data
MC68HC912DT128A — Rev 4.0
Multiple Serial Interface
WCOL — Write Collision Status Flag
The MCU write is disabled to avoid writing over the data being
transferred. No interrupt is generated because the error status flag
can be read upon completion of the transfer that was in progress at
the time of the error. Automatically cleared by a read of the SP0SR
(with WCOL set) followed by an access (read or write) to the SP0DR
0 = No write collision
1 = Indicates that a serial transfer was in progress when the MCU
tried to write new data into the SP0DR data register.
MODF — SPI Mode Error Interrupt Status Flag
This bit is set automatically by SPI hardware if the MSTR control bit is
set and the slave select input pin becomes zero. This condition is not
permitted in normal operation. In the case where DDRS bit 7 is set,
the PS7 pin is a general-purpose output pin or SS output pin rather
than being dedicated as the SS input for the SPI system. In this
special case the mode fault function is inhibited and MODF remains
cleared. This flag is automatically cleared by a read of the SP0SR
(with MODF set) followed by a write to the SP0CR1 register.
Read anytime (normally only after SPIF flag set). Write anytime (see
WCOL write collision flag).
Reset does not affect this address.
This 8-bit register is both the input and output register for SPI data.
Reads of this register are double buffered but writes cause data to
written directly into the serial shifter. In the SPI system the 8-bit data
register in the master and the 8-bit data register in the slave are linked
by the MOSI and MISO wires to form a distributed 16-bit register. When
a data transfer operation is performed, this 16-bit register is serially
shifted eight bit positions by the SCK clock from the master so the data
is effectively exchanged between the master and the slave. Note that
— SPI Data Register
Bit 7
Bit 7
Bit 0
Bit 0
MAC218A10 TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS
MAC218-10 TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS
MAC218-4 TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS
MAC218-6 TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS
MAC218-8 TRIACs 8 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTS
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M68AF031AL55B1F 制造商:STMICROELECTRONICS 制造商全称:STMicroelectronics 功能描述:256 Kbit (32K x 8) 5.0V Asynchronous SRAM
M68AF031AL55B1T 制造商:STMICROELECTRONICS 制造商全称:STMicroelectronics 功能描述:256 Kbit (32K x 8) 5.0V Asynchronous SRAM
M68AF031AL55B6E 制造商:STMICROELECTRONICS 制造商全称:STMicroelectronics 功能描述:256 Kbit (32K x 8) 5.0V Asynchronous SRAM