型号: PEB20534
英文描述: DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels
中文描述: DMA的支持串行通信控制器,4通道
文件页数: 122/439页
文件大小: 4985K
代理商: PEB20534
PEB 20534
PEF 20534
Multi Function Port (MFP)
Data Sheet
The same mechanism as for selecting a slave for transmission (separate select lines or
special commands) may also be used to promote the role of the master to another device
in the network. In this case the previous master and the future master (previous slave)
will have to toggle their operating mode (SSCMS) and the direction of their port pins (see
description above).
Chip Select Control:
There are 4 chip select pins associated with the SSC port: MCS0 to MCS3. The four chip
select lines are automatically activated at the beginning of a transfer and deactivated
again after the transfer has ended. Activation of a chip enable line always begins one
half bit time before the first data bit is output at the MTSR pin, and the deactivation
(except for the continuous transfers) is performed one half bit time after the last bit of the
transfer has been transmitted/received completely.
The chip select lines are selected by the control bits ASEL0 to ASEL3 of the SSC Chip
Select Enable register SSCCSE (refer to
Page 364
). By setting any of these bits to 0, the
corresponding chip select port will be asserted when transmitting data. All other bits of
the SSCCSE register have to be set to
In a half duplex configuration only one data line is necessary for both receiving
transmitting of data. The data exchange line is connected to both pins MTSR and MRST
of each device, the clock line is connected to the MCLK pin.
The master device controls the data transfer by generating the shift clock, while the slave
devices receive it. Due to the fact that all transmit and receive pins are connected to the
one data exchange line, serial data may be moved between arbitrary stations.
Similar to full duplex mode there are two ways to avoid collisions on the data exchange
only the transmitting device may enable its transmit pin driver
the non-transmitting devices use open drain output and only send ones.
Since the data inputs and outputs are connected together, a transmitting device will clock
in its own data at the input pin (MRST for a master device, MTSR for a slave). This allows
to detect any corruptions on the common data exchange line, where the Rx data is not
equal to the Tx data.
Operational Mode: Half Duplex Operation:
PEB20534H-10 DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4
PEB20534H-52 DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4
PEB20534 DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4
PEF20542 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller with DMA
PEB20542 2 Channel Serial Optimized Communication Controller with DMA
PEB20534 H52 V2.1 制造商:Infineon Technologies AG 功能描述:
PEB20534H10 制造商:Infineon Technologies AG 功能描述: 制造商:Siemens 功能描述:
PEB20534H-10 制造商:INFINEON 制造商全称:Infineon Technologies AG 功能描述:DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4
PEB20534H-10V2.0 制造商:Infineon Technologies AG 功能描述: 制造商:Infineon Technologies AG 功能描述:Communications Controller Circuit, 208 Pin, QFP
PEB20534H-10V2.1 制造商:Siemens 功能描述:Communications Controller Circuit, 208 Pin, QFP