型号: B900J24PXX12I
元件分类: 数字信号处理
英文描述: 0-BIT, 80 MHz, OTHER DSP, PQFP44
文件页数: 25/100页
文件大小: 1547K
代理商: B900J24PXX12I
Lucent Technologies Inc.
Advance Data Sheet
Baseband Signal Processor
July 1999
4 Hardware Architecture (continued)
Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) (continued)
The SSI has two programmable registers, one 16-bit register for control and one 8-bit register for data. The 16-bit
control register, ssic, enables and configures the SSI for serial communication in the desired mode. It has control
fields (the EN, MSTR, SPOL, SPHA, SDOEN, SSNEN, and SCLK bits of the ssic register) and status fields (the
SDONE, WCOLL, and MODF bits of the ssic register). The 8-bit data register, ssid, is used for writing the byte to
be transmitted and reading the received byte.
Table 51 on page 60 shows the register structure of the SSI control registers ssic. Brief descriptions of the function
of each control bit are also given in the tables. Table 52 on page 61 shows the register structure of the SSI data reg-
ister ssid.
4.6.1 SSI Operation
The SPOL and SPHA bits in the SSI control register determine the mode of data transfer. Both of these bits control
the type of shift clock (SCK) generated. SPOL controls the polarity of SCK, and SPHA determines the phase at
which the serial transfer begins. The latter leads to a fundamentally different type of transfer with implications in sit-
uations where back-to-back byte transfer is required. The transfer formats may be different for different peripheral
devices but remain unchanged during a transfer between the master and the slave device. The SSI is flexible
enough to allow any desired configuration that conforms to the HC11 specifications.
The SSI generates an interrupt whenever a byte is successfully shifted in and copied to the read data buffer or
when a mode-fault occurs. The interrupts are enabled by the appropriate bits in the inc register, and their status is
posted in the ins register.
The SSI control register includes 3 bits, SDONE, WCOLL, and MODF, that can only be read by the processor. Their
values are written by the SSI. SDONE is a status flag that indicates the end of a transfer. The WCOLL flag indicates
a write was attempted to the SSI data register while a transfer was in progress. The MODF bit indicates a mode
fault. This occurs when the B900 SSI is configured as a master and its SSN line is pulled low. Another error condi-
tion can occur when the B900 is configured as a slave and a transfer is aborted by pulling SSN high before the
transfer is complete. This error condition is not indicated by the status flags.
Table 17. SSI Pin Descriptions
SSI Clock. Bidirectional. If SSI is configured in master mode, this pin is an output providing a
clock to the slave devices. If SSI is configured in slave mode, this pin is an input that takes in the
serial clock. This pin is multiplexed with IOPC5 (if the ssic register disables the SSI
(bit 15 = 0), then this pin is used for IOPC5).
Master Data Out/Slave Data In. Bidirectional. If the SSI is configured in master mode, this pin
is the serial data output. If the SSI is configured in slave mode, this pin is the serial data input.
This pin is multiplexed with IOPC6 (if the ssic register disables the SSI (bit 15 = 0), then this pin
is used for IOPC6).
Master Data In/Slave Data Out. Bidirectional. If SSI is configured in master mode, this pin is
an input and samples serial data supplied by the master device. If SSI is configured in slave
mode, this pin is the serial data output. This pin is multiplexed with IOPC7 (if the ssic register
disables the SSI (bit 15 = 0), then this pin is used for IOPC7).
Serial Select. Input. Negative assertion. When SSI is configured as a slave, the assertion of
SSN signals the slave that is being addressed to transfer data with the master device. If this pin
is asserted while SSI is configured as a master, a mode fault will be detected by SSI. This pin is
multiplexed with IOPC4 (if the ssic register disables the SSI (bit 15 = 0), or if the ssic register
configures the SSI for master mode (bit 14 = 1) and the SSN input is disabled (bit 10 = 0), then
this pin is used for IOPC4).
B900J24FXX12IT 0-BIT, 59.88 MHz, OTHER DSP, PQFP44
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